1878 Chronology

1878 Chronology

Cricket Grounds:
In 1878 football games are being played more regularly on cricket grounds, such as those of the Melbourne, East Melbourne, South Melbourne and Corio (Geelong) cricket clubs. The playing on enclosed grounds permits football and cricket clubs to charge for admission.

April 9
The Richmond Standard Football Club changes its name to the Richmond Football Club. A. Kelso is elected captain.
The new Richmond Football Club will retain the old Richmond Standard uniform of a scarlet and blue guernsey and hose, blue knickerbockers, and a red, white and blue cap.

May __
The VFA decides that the football season will formally begin on the first weekend in May.

May 18
Richmond draws with Albert (West Melbourne) two goals apiece in its opening game of the season.

May 25
Richmond wins its first game under its new name. It defeats Fawkner one goal to nil at the Botanical Reserve (Gosch’s Paddock). William Wells is the goal scorer.
William Wells loses his temper and fights with a Fawkner player. This incident will be considered the root cause of the ill feeling between the clubs that was demonstrated at their return match on July 6.

June 8
West Richmond defeats Richmond one goal to nil. West’s supporters, possibly aggrieved that the old Richmond Standard would have the temerity to play under the name Richmond use “uncomplimentary language” and urge West men to injure Richmond players.

July 6
Richmond’s captain A. Kelso is so indignant at the rough play of Fawkner that he calls his players from the field at Fawkner Park.
The umpire, who was appointed by Fawkner, disallowed a number of Richmond marks within range of goal.

July 27
Only 13 Richmond players show up at Fawkner Park for their game against South Yarra Standard.
Richmond lose the match seven goals to nil.

Aug. 3
West Richmond defeats Richmond one goal to nil.

Aug. 31
Richmond defeats its rival West Richmond one goal to nil in the third and final game between these clubs. West had won the previous two encounters.
Richmond were short of players but they make up the numbers by playing four substitutes from other clubs.