1888 Chronology

1888 Chronology

Position: Fifth
Won 11, Drew 2, Lost 8, Goals For 86, Goals Agst 76.
Captain: George Smith
Vice Captain: Charlie Stephens
President’s Prize: Jack Stewart
Leading Goal Kicker: Billy Brown (31) (VFA LGK)
Revenue: L312 18s. 1d. Credit Balance: L1 0s. 0d.

Juniors: Richmond Juniors does not compete in 1888.

Thurs 22
At the Richmond Annual General Meeting, held at Richmond Town Hall, members of Richmond's First Twenty are presented with Gold lockets

Tue. 10 Richmond’s second twenty reforms.

Sat. 14
RICHMOND 6-11 East Rich. (23) 1-7
Tommy Horan, the 33 year old former Australian cricket captain, plays a practice match with Richmond. He will become a member of Richmond’s 1888 team.

Sat. 21
RICHMOND 8-23 Camberwell (23) 1-2
Richmond 2nds - Vaucluse (23) -

Sat. 28
RICHMOND 13-19 Brighton (23) 0-3
Richmond 2nds 1-8 Ormond (25) 4-10
Richmond kicks a club record 13 goals against Brighton (23 players) in a practice game on the RCG.
Norwood recruit Billy Brown kicks a club record five goals in a game.

Sat. 5
FITZROY 0-0 1-4 1-5 3-6
RICHMOND 0-0 0-0 1-2 1-2
Goal: Syle
Fitzroy Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds 2-5 Fitzroy 2nds 3-10

Sat. 12
RICHMOND 3-4 6-7 7-9 9-14
FOOTSCRAY 0-0 0-4 0-4 0-5
Goals: Brown (5), Morton (2), Banner, Syle
Richmond Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds - Kew -
Richmond’s nine goals against Footscray at the RCG sets a new club record for a senior premiership game.
Billy Brown’s five goals is the most goals kicked by a Richmond player in a premiership game.

Sat. 19
Richmond 2nds - Essendon 2nds -

Sat. 24
BALLARAT 1-2 1-3 3-4 3-5
RICHMOND 0-1 1-1 1-3 3-4
Goals: Banner, Shore, Stephens
Saxon Paddock

Mon. 26
SOUTH MELB. 2-1 3-4 5-8 7-12
RICHMOND 1-0 1-3 1-3 1-5
Goal : Powell
South Melbourne Cricket Ground attendance: 4,000 - 5,000

Sat. 2
RICHMOND 1-15 1-15 2-17 3-21
BALL. IMPERIAL 0-1 1-2 1-6 1-6
Goals: Dunne, Brown, Syle
Richmond Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds - Fitzroy 2nds -
Richmond Football Club members are barred from the RCG pavilion, with only Richmond Cricket Club members and Richmond Football Club officials being admitted. Due to the unpopularity of the decision it is soon revoked.
The press and visiting members from Ballarat are also ordered from the “members’ ground” and into the “open space.”

Sat. 9
MELBOURNE 0-5 0-6 0-6 1-7
RICHMOND 0-1 2-5 3-6 3-10
Goals: Brown, O’Loughlin, Morton
Friendly Societies’ Ground
Richmond 2nds - Melbourne 2nds -

Sat. 16
RICHMOND 1-2 1-2 4-5 5-7
NORTH MELB. 1-1 3-4 3-4 4-4
Goals: Reddan (2), Brown, Morton, J. Stewart
Richmond Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds 0-0 North Melb. 2nds 6-6
A large yellow and black Richmond Football Club flag baring the insignia “R.F.C.” is first raised at the RCG. It was donated by former Richmond Cricket Club secretary Harry Brock.

Sat. 23
RICHMOND 1-6 2-12 7- 9-18
UNIVERSITY 0-1 0-3 1- 1-4
Goals: Brown (3), Dunne (3), Coles, Eldridge, Syle
Richmond Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds - Carlton 2nds -
Richmond’s nine goals against University at the RCG equals the club record for the most goals in a senior premiership game.

Saturday 30
RICHMOND 1-1 3-2 5-3 6-5
SOUTH MELB. 2-2 2-3 2-5 2-9
Goals: Brown (3), Hill, Stephens, Morton
Richmond Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds - South Melb. 2nds -
Richmond defeats South Melbourne six goals to two at the RCG.
Despite the loss South will ultimately win the 1888 premiership.
Richmond’s win over South will be remembered as the high point of the club’s early years.
A Richmond player who is also a serviceman in Victoria’s navy is mobilised during Melbourne’s “war scare”.
Advertisement for the game - "Will be the best football match tomorrow"

Wed. 4 The Sportsman writes that Richmond’s committee should take steps to kerb the “exuberant spirits” and “more than forceful language” of the “young urchins” at the RCG. It calls for a police presence at the ground.

Sat. 7
RICHMOND 1-0 4-1 5-3 5-5
ST. KILDA 2-2 2-5 3-9 5-11
Goals: Brown (2), Morton (2), Hill
Richmond Cricket Ground attendance: 4000 - 5,000
Following Richmond’s win over South Melbourne 4,000-5,000 spectators “crowd” the RCG for Richmond’s match against St. Kilda. The match is drawn five goals apiece.

Tue. 10 Members meet in the pavilion to discuss their intentions to hold a banquet to celebrate Richmond’s win over South Melbourne. It will be held in October.

Sat. 14 “Yellow and Black” for The Richmond Guardian reports that only four players turned up to training during the preceding week.
RICHMOND 1-1 2-6 2-6 2-6
PORT MELB. 2-4 4-6 6-7 8-9
Goals: Brown, Salton
Richmond Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds 0-1 Port Melb. 2nds 10-11

Sat. 21
RICHMOND 1-5 5-9 7-12 8-16
FOOTSCRAY 0-1 1-1 3-4 3-6
Goals: Coles (2), O’Loughlin (2), Brown, Eldridge, Morton, Syle
Richmond Cricket Ground attendance: 1,500
Richmond 2nds - Carlton 2nds -

Sat. 28
PORT MELB. 2-2 2-2 4-7 5-11
RICHMOND 2-1 4-2 4-2 4-3
Goals: Brown, Coles, O’Loughlin, Salton
Port Melbourne Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds 0-3 Port Melb. 2nds 3-11
Port Melbourne refuses to “pull off” with Richmond for a tug-o-war championship because no money was forthcoming.

Wed. 1 The Richmond Skating Rink on Bridge Road is opened to the public.

Sat. 4
CARLTON 0-3 1-5 2- 2-8
RICHMOND 1-1 3-2 4- 4-6
Goals: Brown (3), Syle
University Cricket Ground
Richmond 2nds - Carlton 2nds -

Richmond defeats the reigning premier Carlton on the University Cricket Ground.
In the last quarter many spectators, who had been encroaching on the ground since half time, joined the players in running up and down the field. So confusing and disorderly was the spectacle that although the players remained on the ground play was discontinued for the last 10 to 15 minutes.

Fri. 10 Carlton, who claim that its game against Richmond on August 4 is unfinished ask the opinion of the VFA. The Association will uphold the Richmond victory.

Sat. 11
ST. KILDA 0-0 0-6 0- 1-10
RICHMOND 0-3 0-3 2- 2-8
Goals: Hughes, Salton
St. Kilda Cricket Ground attendance: 4,000
Richmond 2nds - St. Kilda 2nds -

Wed. 15
Tom Graham, the former Richmond captain now playing for Port Melbourne, is suspended for one match for striking the Richmond player Alf. Searle on July 28.

Sat. 25
RICHMOND 0-2 3-5 4-5 6-8
BALLARAT 2-4 4-4 7-4 8-5
Goals: Brown (3), Coles, Morton, Syle
Richmond Cricket Ground attendance: 3,000 - 4,000

Sat. 1
“A Football Song” by A.D., is published in The Richmond Guardian. It is the earliest known song dedicated to the Richmond Football Club.

FOOTSCRAY 1-3 1-6 1- 4-8
RICHMOND 0-3 0-3 1- 1-5
Goal: Hughes
Western Reserve attendance 1,500
At the Western Reserve Richmond’s secretary, Charles Cupit, grabs the bell holding hand of the Footscray timekeeper and rings in half-time. The Age will report that a “Richmond rough” rang it before time was up while The Richmond Guardian states that the timekeeper was permitting the game to continue three minutes after time had elapsed. A skirmish amongst spectators ensued.

Sat. 8
NORTH MELB. 1-5 3-7 4-8 7-9
RICHMOND 1-0 1-0 2-2 2-5
Goals: Brown, Morton
North Melbourne Recreation Reserve attendance: 5,000
The game between Richmond and North Melbourne is rough and a policeman is called upon to restrain the spectators in front of the pavilion as the players leave the field.
Wed. 12 Richmond’s secretary, Charles Cupit, indites North Melbourne’s Joe Tankard and _ Berrier on striking charges emanating the recent match. The charge against Tankard will be withdrawn, and although the charge of striking against Berrier will not be proven, he will be disqualified for twelve months for rough play.

Sat. 15
BALL. IMPERIAL 1-2 2-4 3-6 5-7
RICHMOND 1-4 3-5 7-5 10-7
Goals: Brown (5), A. Elder, Hill, House, Morton, Trobridge
Saxon Paddock
Richmond’s ten goals against Ballarat Imperial at Saxon Paddock (Ballarat) sets a new club record for the most goals in a senior premiership game.
Billy Brown’s five goals equals his own club record for the most goals kicked in a game.

Sat. 22
University Cricket Ground
University forfeits its game against Richmond because the University Cricket Ground is under preparation for the upcoming cricket season.

Sat. 29
ESSENDON 1-0 4-4 - 6-9
RICHMOND 2-5 2-5 2- 2-10
Goals: Elder, Morton
Friendly Societies’ Ground
Ned Burwood is disqualified from playing in Richmond’s final match against Essendon because he had played the two previous weeks with a junior team.
An undermanned Richmond are beaten easily.

Wednesday 3
Sam Matthews advertises in The Sportsman that a eight round boxing match between Frank House of Richmond team and Julite Berrier of North Melbourne will take place at a boxing and wrestling tournament at the Centennial Hippodrome, Swanston-street.

Tue. 9
Richmond holds a complementary banquet to celebrate the season.