1904 Chronology

1904 Chronology

Position: Second (minor premiers)
Won 15, Drew 1, Lost 4, For 1047, Against 614.
Captain: Alec. Edmond
Vice Captain: Arthur Cleghorn
Coach: Charles Taylor
Leading Goal Kicker: Jack Hutchinson (40)
Credit Balance: L20 13s. 0d.

The League allows players to transfer from VFA to VFL clubs without a clearance from the Association.
Juniors: Richmond Juniors does not compete in 1904.

Sat 9
Richmond vs Melbourne practice match at Warehouseman's Ground at 3pm

Thr. 14
The 1903 VFA balance sheet reveals that Richmond comprised one third of the VFA economy.

Sat. 16
The football club’s committee members man the RCG gates for Richmond’s practice match against Collingwood Juniors. Jas. Grogan, Richmond’s highly productive Geelong based recruiter, is engaged as the umpire.

Sat. 28
Richmond, who are physically much larger than North Melbourne are accused of using their weight unfairly.

From June 1904 George “Mallee” Johnson negotiates his football career around his work for the police force.

Sat. 11
Ernest McDonald’s goal, from a mark and kicked after the final bell, won the game for Richmond 4-8 (32) over West Melbourne 4-5 (29) at the RCG.
West would unsuccessfully protest the result of the game claiming there was a time keeping error. They claim the bell should have sounded before Richmond kicking the winning goal.
The Herald reports that there is an influenza outbreak in Richmond. Eight regular players are struck.

Fri. 17
Richmond’s A. Catlin is suspended for twelve months for striking a goal umpire during the Williamstown match on June 4.
Charlie Taylor’s letter and petition of 100 signatures asking that his life disqualification for bribery be removed is received by the VFA. The case was not reopened.

Sat. 18
Richmond draws with Footscray before 9,000 spectators at the RCG.

Sat. 25
Jack Hutchinson’s six goals against Brunswick at Brunswick is a club record for a premiership game, and equals George Sparrow’s club record for all games.

Sat. 2
Former Melbourne player Stewart Geddes plays for Richmond without a clearance from the VFL.
The football club considers purchasing a pavilion for the ladies reserve.

Sat. 23
Richmond kicks 15-16 (106) against Preston. It is their second highest score and Richmond’s highest at the RCG. Its opening quarter score of 8-4 (52) is the club’s the second highest score for a quarter.

Sat. 6
Ernest Rudd refuses to strip unless his expenses are paid.

Sat. 13
Richmond is two players short against West Melbourne so Richmond committeeman Jack Fayle and Alec. Edmond’s brother Bruce join the team. The game, umpired by C. Allen, was very rough. Jack Fayle breaks a collarbone and Alec. Edmond is knocked out and revived twice.
“Richmond’s War Song” is published in The Richmond Australian.

Tue. 16
Richmond receives a letter from the umpire C. Allen complaining of various rumours about him.

Sat. 20
Richmond defeats Footscray and in doing so secures the minor premiership.

Sat. 3
The last quarter of the Richmond game at Port Melbourne became rough. Alec. Edmond motions a trooper to “take charge” of a Port player until checked by a team-mate.

Tue. 6
Richmond’s coach, Charlie Taylor complains of interference from the head trainer, Joseph McCormack.

Sat. 10
Before the start of the third quarter, during a rough semi final between North Melbourne and Richmond, the umpire, C. Allen asks to see the North players’ boots. North refuse to comply but Allen permits the game to continue.

Wed 21
A combined metropolitan schools team plays Petersham on the East Melb Cricket Ground. Crowd is 5,000.
Entry fee is 1 penny for children, and sixpence for adults. Proceeds divided between Sydney and Melbourne Children's Hospitals. 50 pounds is raised.
Combined Metropolitan School 7.13. def Petersham 4.3
Selected for the Metropolitan School side is Thorp of Yarra-Park. Most likely Vic Thorp, aged 14.

Sat. 24
C. Allen’s umpiring performance at the North Melbourne v. Footscray final is criticised in the press.
Richmond plays against the Geelong’s premier junior team, Marylebone at Geelong to prepare for the Grand Final. Marylebone are strengthened by three Geelong League footballers, Bill Bennion, Ike Woods and Percy Fletcher, with Beachcroft’s encouragement.

Sat. 1
The proposed Grand Final between North Melbourne and Richmond does not eventuate because Richmond refuses to play under umpire C. Allen. North are declared the VFA premiers.