
1905 Members Roll

1905 Richmond Membership Roll

A digitised list of the approximately 600 members of the Richmond Football Club for the 1905 season.
On the original members roll the names are out of order - they have been alphabetised by Rhett Bartlett.
For no first initial supplied, an ? is applied. In some cases through research I believe I can identify a members full name, and as such have added that in.

A (11)

A Ahern H Allen J Allen R Allen W Allen A Allett
W Andrawartha J Alves F W Armstrong L G Armstrong John Asher

B (40)

Charles Backhouse Chris Bahen J Bahen M Bahen T Baker David Baner W Barclay J Barling
Thomas Barmby A J Barnes B Barnett W Barker J Barwood W Barwood R Bateman
C Bates S Beckwith G Bell G Bellingham R Bennett J Benson Percy Beswick
William Bicknell H Biggsley G Blair W Bloxam W T Bolton W Bolton M Bowden
George Bownas L Bownas W Brand J Brennan E Brown J H Brown
G Browne O Browning G Burns G Burns W Burrell

C (34)

J Cairns J Cameron L Cameron W Cameron J Campbell R Carnaby William Carkeek
E Carmichael J Carroll Alfred Catlin A Chamberlain B Charles James Charles
G Charlton Frederick Chatto J Christie C Clark W Clarke Arthur Cleghorn W Clifford
A Cole F Cole W Connelly J Cooper A Corin Maurice Cronin A Cravino
L Crook R Croft William Crout Victor Crout Herbert Curphey Alfred William Curson G Cutler

D (27)

George Dando T Daniel T B Daniel ? Davies F Davies R H Dawe W Deane R J DeLeon J Desmond
W Devitt Thomas Arthur Dickason F Dingey J Donaldson C Donelly Daniel J Donnelly
A Downie T Dowing T Downling or T Downing J Dowdle L P Doyle R W Duncan
R S Don A Duckworth J Dunn T Dunn W Dunn W Dunning C Dwyer

E (16)

James Eastman James Eastman Junr J Eastwood B V Eastwood A Eaton S Edney
Alec Edmond Bruce Edmond James Edmond G Edwards Alf Elder
H Ellington C Ellis F Edwards John Howard Egan H J Evans

F (20)

Joseph Falconbridge Jack Fayle Vincent Fayle Son Feore O Ferguson W Ferrier
J Fife M Fitzgerald E Flannigan Sydney Gladstone Forster T Fowler F Fraser J Fraser N Frazer P Frazer
W F Friend F Fricke J Fricke J Furlonger Alfred Moses Futcher

G (21)

C Geard T Geraghty T Gleeson H Goding D Good P Gow S Graig/Greig A J Grant G Grant J L Grant R Grant
P George W Greahan A M Greathead J Green M Green S G Grime T W Gough W Gould J Gunn W Griffiths

H (38)

W Haig B Halliday B Hall J Hall C Halpin R Halliday J Hand F Hanlon G Hard F Hardie
P Harris J Harrison V Harrison A Hayes A J Hayes C A Hayes A Heath R Heath
C Hendrie William Hendrie C Henty A Hill A Hill C Hill H M Hill
S Hill F Hitches A L Hodges E Hodges P M Hogan Carl Hogrefe Sam Hore
G Hough Albert Edward Huckerby ? Hunter Jack Hutchinson Englebert Huesker Herbert Lionel Hynderman