1937 Chronology

1937 Chronology

Position: Fourth
Won 11, Drew 1, Lost 7, For 1716, Against 1645.
Captain: Percy Bentley Vice Captain: Jack Titus
Coach: Percy Bentley
Best and Fairest: Jack Dyer
Leading Goal Kicker: Dick Harris (65), Jack Titus (65)
Revenue:Credit Balance:
Membership: 2,798
Seconds: Ninth Recruits U18: Second
Recruits U16: ___

Tue 9
Former Richmond player Jack Baggott is appointed manager of the Victorian Sheffield Shield cricket team to play South Australia in Adelaide in March.

Basil McCormack is appointed coach of New Town Football Club in Tasmania. The Richmond Football Club do not object to the appointment because of McCormack's long and loyal service to the club.

Fri 12
Former Richmond player Bert Foster is appointed playing coach of Sandringham Football Club.

Mon 15
Councillor Geoffrey Daniel O'Donnell - a 'foundation member of the Richmond Football Club' dies, after collapsing 4 days earlier on the corner of Bridge Road and Church Street. He was a former Mayor of Richmond.

Sat 20
William 'Barlow' Carkeek, a member of Richmond's 1902 and 1905 premierships, dies after being hit by a car as he crossed Point Nepean Road in Brighton. He had left a junior cricket match when it began to rain heavily. He was 56.

Ground: A concrete retaining wall from the turnstiles to Punt Road is built in March and will increase the capacity of the northern side. A new score board and bar are also built for the 1937 season. Total cost is 2,000 pounds.

Tue. 2
Gordon Strang is appointed playing coach of North Launceston Football club.

Mon. 22
Richmond’s treasurer Jos. Langdon dies. Frank O’Brien will be appointed acting treasurer until a replacement is found.

Tues 23
Coach Perc Bentley is absent from training due to the death of his father. Maurie Sheahan and Jack Titus supervise the session

Sat 3
VFA club Brunswick defeats Richmond by a few points in a practice match at Brunswick. Brunswick made ten changes at half time to Richmond’s one.

Tue. 13
George B. Smith, the Cub’s delegate to the Tigers, is appointed Richmond’s treasurer.

Thr. 15
A large crowd of 95 lads try out at the reserve on the corner of Swan Street and Punt Road for a boys’ football club sponsored by Richmond. It was created to play curtain raisers and will be named the Richmond Recruits. It will form two teams, one under 18 and the other under 16.

Fri. 7
Leo Griffin refers to Richmond’s under 18 team as the “kittens” in an article for The Richmond Chronicle.

Sat. 8
Richmond and South Melbourne draw 11-15 (81) apiece at Albert Park.

Wed. 12
Jack Dyer and Dick Harris represent the VFL against the VFA at St. Kilda.
Cub Jim Bolger captains the VFL’s seconds against the VFA’s seconds. Stephenson of the Cubs also plays.

Sat. 15
Dick Harris kicks eight goals straight against Fitzroy at Punt Road. He has kicked 19 goals in four games.

Sat. 22
Jack Titus kicks seven goals against Essendon at Essendon.

Sat. 29
Percy Bentley kicks seven goals against Geelong at Punt Road.

Sat. 5
Hawthorn upsets Richmond by two points at Glenferrie. It is the Mayblooms’ second win against the Tigers, they won their first in August last year by the same two point margin.
Cubs’ rover Dickson kicks ten goals against Hawthorn’s seconds at Punt Road.

Sat. 12
Richmond defeats Carlton by 11 points at Punt Road. With the win Richmond moves to third position.
The committee decides that each season the best Richmond Second Eighteen player will receive a cup named after the late treasurer Jos. Langdon.

Thr. 17
Jack “Swampy” Crane is let off with a caution by the VFL tribunal for throwing the ball away after he was free kicked.

Sat. 10
Richmond defeats Melbourne by 14 points at Punt Road.

Richmond Seconds half time score against Melbourne is 0.13.3
They eventually lose 12-11 to 7-17.
Geddes (3), McDonald (2), O'Connell (1), Hayes (1).

Thr. 15
Jack Titus trains for the first time in five weeks. The forward had not missed a game and had performed credibly over this period.

Sat. 17
Jack Dyer plays a major role in the Tigers’ three point victory over Footscray at the Western Oval.
Dyer, who takes 16 marks for the game, is the target of concentrated hooting and jeering by a section of Footscray barrackers during the third quarter.
Frank McCormack, the full forward for the Richmond Recruits under 18 team, kicks nine goals, a Recruits record, against Prahran Rovers at the reserve on the corner of Swan Street and Punt Road (now Gosch’s Paddock).

Sat. 24
Jack Titus kicks 8.7 against South Melbourne at Punt Road. Jack, who donates a weekly prize to the best Cubs’ player, is awarded the best player prize but politely suggests that the money go to a first year player. George Bates graciously accepts it.

Sun. 31
Jack Dyer, and Dick Harris leave with the Victorian team for the carnival in Perth. They will miss next week’s game against Essendon.

Sat 7
Richmond come from behind to snatch a two point victory from Essendon at Punt Road.
Essendon kicks a goal after the bell rang to end the second quarter. It seems that the umpire did not hear it.
Percy Bentley captains Victoria against South Australia in Adelaide.
Jack Titus captain-coaches Richmond in Percy Bentley’s absence. Ray Martin acts as vice captain.

Sat. 14
Richmond Recruits 27-30 (192) defeats Northcote Excelsiors 0-2 (2) at North Carlton. The Kittens’ winning margin of 190 points is a record for any team playing under Richmond’s umbrella. Recruits’ full forward Frank McCormack kicks a club record (all grades) 17 goals, nine of these came in the last quarter.

Sat. 28
Richmond defeats Hawthorn by five points in the final round and thereby secure a place in the finals.

Sat. 4
Collingwood easily defeats Richmond by 51 points in a semi final at the MCG before 41,663 spectators.
Garden City defeats Richmond Recruits by five points in the Final of the Melbourne Boys’ League. Garden City kicks the winning goal as the final bell rings.

Wed. 8
The crowning ceremony of Richmond’s Queen Carnival is held at a dance at the Richmond Town Hall. The Queen of Supporters, Mrs. Maurie Fleming raised the most money throughout the season. The Queen of players is Mrs. Jack Titus and Queen of Committee is Mrs Frank Donnelly.

Thr. 2
The Licensing Court approves plans for a new grandstand at Punt Road.