1939 Seconds scores
Played: 21 (incl finals)
Won: 15 (incl finals)
Lost: 6 (incl finals)
Drew: 0
Position: 1st (regulary season)
Squad: (number of games this season in brackets)
Platt (21), Reilly (20, Uwins (19), Fyfe (19) G Grant (19), W Grant (18), Broman (18), Perkins (17), Foster (17), Lewis (17), Cosgrove (15), Patton (14), Waldron (14), Chergwin (14), C Grant (12), Hull (12), Hodges (11), Currie (11), McCrory (10), Cummings (9), Bates (8), Greene (8), House (8), O;Connell (6), M McDonald (6), Smith (5), Ablett (5), H Martin (5), A McDonald (5), Guinane (5), Symons (4), G Martin (4), Bucknall (3), Tagell (3), Priestley (3), Dickson (2), J Davey (2), Spencer (2), Randall (2), Hooper (1), Dowdell (1), Bawden (1), P Davey (1), Keogh (1)
Goalkickers here. https://www.tigerlandarchive.org/tiki-index.php?page=Reserves+Goalkicking
Supplementary list:
Lamprell, Kenna, Cheffins, Eagles, Childs, G House, Bromeo, Baldy, Austin, Crane
Rd | Date | W/L | Richmond Score | Opponent Score | Venue | Goalkickers | Team / Notes
1 | April 22 | L66 | 10.14.74 | Melbourne 21.14.140 | Punt Road | O'Connell (5), Priestly (1), Platt (1), Hooper (1), Davey (1), Cummings (1) | (Best: Currie, Priestly, Uwins, Reilly, Cummings, O'Connell, Broman) ( W Grant collided with goalpost in 1st qu. Broman got cut chin in 2nd qu. Richmond were unable to find their club doctor at home, so drove players to MCG where they were attended to by Melbourne club doctors Dr. Jones and Dr Ryan. Dr Jones stitched up Broman's chin. Richmond played with 2nd half with 17 men) |
2 | April 29 | L36 | 9.13.67 | Footscray 14.19.103 | Footscray | Hull (3), Spencer (1), Platt (1), Broman (1), Cumming (1), O'Connell (2) | (Best: Platt, Broman, Fyfe, Cumming, Reily). Team from Bates, Broman, Cummings, Currie, Chergwin, Davey, Dowdell, Fyfe, Foster, W Grant, G Grant, Hull, Keogh, McCrory, O'Connell, Platt, Perkins, Reilly, Spencer, Coghill (Tagell), J Uwins, Waldron, Hooper. |
3 | May 6 | W40 | 20.13.133 | Essendon 12.21.93 | Punt Road | O'Connell (7), Bates (4), Platt (3), Foster (2), G Grant (2), W Grant (1). | (Best: Uwins, Fyfe, Bates, W Grant) Team from Broman, Bates, Cummings, Currie, Chergwin, Dowdell, Fyfe, Foster, W Grant, C Grant, Hull , Lewis, Martin, A. McDonald, M McDonald, O'Connell, Perkins, Patton, Platt, Priestly, Reilly, Uwins, Tagell, Waldron, |
4 | May 13 | W19 | 13.10.88 | Sth Melb 8.21.69 | O'Connell (6), Hull (3), Cummings (2), Platt (1), G Grant (1) | Uwins, Perkins, W Grant, Cummings, Guinane, Fyfe, G. Grant, Currie, A McDonald, McCauley, Hull, G Martin, Platt, O'Connell, H Martin, Reilly, Foster, Patton, 19th: Broman, Emerg: Lewis, Waldron, Ayers. | |
5 | May 20 | W60 | 14.9.93 | Nth Melb 5.3.33 | McCrory (5), Lewis (2), Uwins (2) | Best: Uwins, G. Grant, Patton, Currie | |
6 | May 27 | W72 | 15.18.108 | Carlton 5.6.36 | Punt Road | O'Connell (7), Foster (2), Platt (2), G. Grant (2), Reilly (1), McCrory (1) | G Martin, W. Grant (or Guinane), Uwins, Chergwin, Cosgrove, Fyfe, McDonald, Broman, Currie, Platt McCrory, G. Grant, Martin, O'Connell, Lewis, Foster, Reilly, Patton, Emerg: N House (19th), J Davies, C. Grant, M McDonald. (Best: Currie, Reilly, Broman, O'Connell, Patton, G. Grant) |
7 | June 3 | W17 | 12.14.86 | Collingwood 10.9.69 | O'Connell (8), C Grant (2), G Grant (2), Chergwin (1) | From: Bucknall, Broman, Chergwin, Cosgrove, Dowdell, Fyfe, Foster, W Grant, G Grant, C Grant, Guinane, House, Lewis, H Martin, G Martin, McCrory, M McDonald, O'Connell, Platt, Patton, Reilly, Spencer, J Uwins. (Best: Chergwin, O'Connell, House, Cosgrove, Patton, Platt, Guinane, | |
8 | June 10 | W88 | 20.21.141 | Hawthorn 8.5.53 | Hull (7), Patton (3), G Grant (2), Pratt (2), Dickson (2), McCrory (2), Guinane (1), Foster (1) | Uwins, Guinane, W Grant, Broman, Perkins, Fyfe, McDonald, Dickson, House, McCrory, Bates, G Grant, Platt, Hull, C Grant, Foster, Reilly, Patton. Emerg: Lewis (19th), M McDonald, Waldron, Ferguson. (Best: Patton, Broman, McDonald, Uwins, G Grant, Hull) | |
9 | June 17 | L17 | 10.9.69 | Geelong 11.20.86 | Hull (4), Plant (2), C Grant (2), Foster (1), Bates (1) | From: Bucknall, Bates, Broman, Chergwin, Cosgrove, J. Davey, Fyfe, Foster, W.Grant, C Grant, G Grant, Hull, House, Lewis, M McDonald, McCrory, Platt, Perkins, Patton, Reilly, Spencer, Uwins, Waldron. (Best: Foster, Patton, Perkins, Bates, Lewis, Hull) | |
10 | June 24 | W3 | 10.12.72 | Fitzroy 10.9.69 | Punt Road | M McDonald (3), C Grant (2), Foster (1), Bawden (1), Chergwin (1), G Grant (1), Platt (1) | From: Broman, Bawden, Cosgrove, Chergwin, Cummings, Davey, Fyfe, Foster, G Grant, W Grant, C Grant, House, Lewis, McCrory, M McDonald, Perkins, Platt, Patton, Reilly, Spencer, Uwins, Waldron. (Best: Chergwin, M McDonald, Waldron, Patton, Lewis, G Grant) |
11 | July 1 | W16 | 10.12.72 | StKilda 8.8.56 | Hodges (3), Patton (2), Grant (2), Platt (1), Foster (1) | Uwins, Lewis, Fyfe, Guinane, Cosgrove, Perkins, House, McCrory, G Grant, Waldron, C Grant, Cummings, Platt, Hodges, M McDonald, Foster, Reilly, Patton, (Emerg: Davey, Spencer, Ferguson, Green) (Best: Patton, Perkins, Lewis, Davey, Uwins, C Grant) | |
12 | July 8 | W33 | 14.11.95 | Melbourne 8.14.62 | C Grant (3), Hodges (2), Dickson (2), Platt (2), Foster (1), G Grant (1), Guinane (1), Cummings (1), Waldron (1) | Uwins, Lewis, Fyfe, Cummings, Guinane, Perkins, Chergwin, Broman, Smith, Waldron, C Grant, Greene, G Grant, Hodges, Dickson, Foster, Reilly, Platt (Emerg: Cosgrove, Davey, McDonald, House, Gregory) | |
13 | July 15 | W70 | 20.14.134 | Footscray 7.22.64 | Hodges (8), Hull (3), Waldron (2), Uwins (2), Currie (1), Foster (1), Platt (1), G Grant (1), C Grant (1) | W Grant, Lewis, Fyfe, Ablett, Cosgrove, Perkins, Chergwin, Gregory, Greene, Waldron, Uwins, C Grant, Hull, Hodges, G Grant, Foster, Reilly, Platt (Emerg: Bucknall, McDonald, Ferguson, House, Davey) (Best: Greene, G Grant, Hodges, Uwins, Ablett, Lewis, Currie) | |
14 | July 22 | L18 | 10.17.77 | Essendon 13.17.95 | Hodges (4), Symons (1), Ablett (1), Platt (1), Grant (1), W Grant (1), Waldron (1) | Best: Lewis, Platt, W. Grant, Chergwin, Ablett, Perkins. | |
15 | Aug 5 | W89 | 20.19.139 | Sth Melb 7.8.50 | Hodges (8), Hull (3), Platt (2), Ablett (2), G Grant (2), Foster (1), Cummings (1), Reilly (1) | Uwins, W Grant, Fyfe, Cummings, Ablett, Perkins, H Smith, Broman, Chergwin, G Grant, Hull, Greene, Symons, Hodges, Platt, Foster, Reilly, Patton, (Emerg: Cosgrove, McDonald, Randall, House). (Patton's return after not playing for 3 games) (Best: Cosgrove, Patton, Hodges, Ablett, Uwins, Greene, Smith) | |
16 | Aug 12 | W111 | 22.22.154 | Nth Melb 6.7.43 | Hodges (7), Hull (5), Platt (4), Foster (2), G Grant (1), Symons (1), Patton (1), Randall (1). | From: Broman, Bates, Cosgrove, Davey, Foster, G. Grant, C. Grant, W. Grant, Green, House, Hull, Hodges, Lewis, Perkins, Priestly, Patton, Platt, Reilly, Randall, H Smith, Symons, Spencer, Uwins. (Best: Smith, Hull, Patton, Platt, Priestley, Perkins | |
17 | Aug 19 | W6 | 7.12.54 | Carlton 6.12.48 | Symons (2), G Grant (1), Bates (1), McDonald (1), Patton (1), Hughes (1) | Uwins, Lewis, Fyfe, Ablett, Cosgrove, Perkins, Chergwin, Broman, Smith, Symons, Bates, G Grant, Hull, Hodges, Platt, Foster, Reilly, Patton, (Emerg: McDonald, W Grant, C Grant, House, Davey, Waldron. (Best: Broman, Patton, McDonald, Uwins) | |
18 | Sept 2 | W10 | 11.9.75 | Collingwood 9.11.65 | Hodges (3), C Grant (2), Platt (2), Hukk (2) | From: Ablett, Broman, Bates, Cosgrove, Chergwin, Cumming, Davey, Foster, Fyfe, W Grant, C Grant, G Grant, Hull, House, Hodges, Lewis, McDonald, Perkins, Priestley, Pratt, Reilly, Randall, Smith, Symons, Spencer, Uwins, Waldron. (Best: Perkins, Fyfe, Ablett, Uwins) | |
SF | Sept 9 | L7 | 15.6.96 | Melbourne 15.13.103 | Hull (4), G Grant (3), Hodges (3), Waldron (2), Bates (1), Platt (1), Greene (1) | Played at 12.45. Uwins, Lewis, W Grant, Perkins, Cosgrove, Fyfe, Chergwin, Broman, Currie, Greene, Bates, Waldron, Hull, Hodges, G Grant, Foster, Reilly, Platt. (Emerg: C Grant (19th), McDonald, House, Randall, Spencer, Davey). Best: Chergwin, Hodges, Cosgrove, Foster, Reilly, bates | |
PF | Sept 23 | W8 | 19.16.120 | Geelong 14.28.112 | MCG | Hodges (7), Hull (5), Platt (3), Patton (2), Lewis (1), McCrory (1) | Uwins, Lewis, Fyfe, Perkins, Cosgrove, Chergwin, Green, Broman, Currie, G Grant, McCrory, Waldron, Hull, Hodges, Platt, W. Grant, Reilly, Patton, Cummings (19th) Best: Cosgrove, Broman, Uwins, Chergwin, Platt |
GF | Sept 28 | L29 | 17.13.115 | Melbourne 22.12.144 | MCG | McCrory (5), Hall (5), G Grant (2), Platt (2), Waldron (2), Hodges (1) | Played at 2.45 on Show Day. (Best: Hull, W Grant, Reilly, Currie, Waldron, Platt). W Grant was capt in absence of Foster |
W | D | L | % | P
| |||
Richmond | 14 | 0 | 4 | 140 | 56 | ||
Melbourne | 13 | 0 | 5 | 144 | 52 | ||
Geelong | 13 | 0 | 5 | 136 | 52 | ||
Footscray | 13 | 0 | 5 | 134 | 52 | ||
Essendon | 12 | 0 | 7 | 125 | 48 | ||
Collingwood | 11 | 1 | 6 | 117 | 44 | ||
Fitzroy | 8 | 1 | 9 | 97 | 32 | ||
Carlton | 8 | 0 | 10 | 90 | 32 | ||
St Kilda | 5 | 0 | 12 | 83 | 20 | ||
North Melbourne | 4 | 0 | 14 | 54 | 16 | ||
Hawthorn | 3 | 0 | 15 | 67 | 12 | ||
South Melbourne | 2 | 0 | 15 | 67 | 8 |