This page will collate all available Richmond Football Club video that is online.
Semi Final v Geelong (33 sec)
Grand Final v Collingwood (1min 55)
Grand Final v Geelong (1min 40)
Grand Final v Geelong (2min 10)
Semi Final v St Kilda (39 sec)
Grand Final v Fitzroy (2mins)
Pre 1950
All known playing footage of Jack Dyer
Rd 4 v Nth Melbourne (2mins)
Rd 3 v StKilda (10mins)
Rd 3 v StKilda (29 mins)
Rd 18 v Hawthorn (last game at Punt Road) (4mins)
Rd 18 v Hawthorn (Bull Richardson chaired off ground) (30 sec)
Rd 1 v Carlton ( 3mins)
Rd 6 v St Kilda (10mins)
Rd 9 1967 (4 mins)
Rd 15 v Nth Melb (36mins)
Grand Final v Geelong (ABC commentary) (last quarter)
Grand Final highlights (36mins)
ABC telecast of Grand Final
Rd 4 v St Kilda (32mins)
Rd 5 v South Melbourne (Rex Hunt debut) (30 sec)
Rd 13 v Carlton (27mins)
Rd 20 v Melbourne (17mins)
Rd 19 v Carlton (Barrot's 8 goals) (1min 15)
First Semi v Geelong (2hrs)
Preliminary Final v Collingwood (56 mins)
Q2 and Q3 Preliminary Final
Grand Final v Carlton (2 hours)
Grand Final v Carlton (Colour Rothman's Film)
ABC Broadcast of Grand Final
Rd 1 v Fitzroy (33mins)
Rd 1 v Fitzroy (home movie footage)
Rd 3 1970 (35mins)
First Semi Final v Collingwood (51 mins)
Reserves Rd 7 v Nth Melbourne (home footage)
Reserves Qualifying Final v Melbourne (home footage)
Reserves First Semi Final v Carlton (home footage)
Grand FInal (ABC TV) (1hr 52 mins)
Rd 9 v Collingwood (3mins)
Rd 13 v Geelong (27mins)
Rd 14 v Nth Melb (26 mins)
Rd 19 v Hawthorn (20 seconds, Rex Hunt winning goal)
Rd 20 v Collingwood (17mins)
Rd 22 v Footscray (20mins)
Qualifying Final v Carlton (25mins)
Grand Final v Carlton (2hrs 22)
Grand Final v Carlton (Ch9s colour transmission)
Championship of Australia v Glenelg (3mins 30)
Rd 7 v Essendon (Windy Hill Brawl) (30sec)
Rd 14 v Collingwood (Mal Brown suspension incident)
Grand Final v Nth Melbourne (Ch7)
Grand Final v Nth Melbourne (colour Winfield footage)
Grand Final v Nth Melbourne (ABC TV audio)
Rd 2 v Geelong (unfurling premiership flag) (30 sec)
Rd 2 v Geelong (banner congratulating Aust Championship)
Rd 13 v Geelong (1min 18)
Reserves Grand Final v Geelong (23mins)
Elimination Final v Collingwood (KB goal)
Practice Match v Melbourne (2mins)
Post-match Practice Match v Melbourne (1min 30)
Rd 10 v Hawthorn (3mins)
Rd 2 v Hawthorn (7 mins)
Rd 3 v Sth Melbourne (2mins)
Rd 6 v Nth Melbourne (2mins)
Rd 7 v Essendon (2mins)
Rd 8 v Footscray (2mins)
Rd 9 v Geelong (3mins)
Rd 15 v Sth Melbourne (1min 30)
Rd 16 v Melbourne (2mins)
Rd 21 v Carlton (2mins)
Rd 22 v St Kilda (2hours +) (earliest complete surviving Home and Away Richmond match)
Elimination Final v South Melbourne (3mins)
First Semi Final v Nth Melbourne (2 mins)
Rd 10 v Fitzroy (2mins)
Rd 17 v Essendon (6mins)
Rd 5 v Hawthorn (8mins)
Rd 11 v Essendon (13mins)
Rd 16 v Hawthorn (1min)
Rd 17 vs North Melbourne (2mins 30sec)
Rd 20 vs Collingwood (50sec)
Senior Grand Final v Collingwood (2 hrs)
Under 19s Grand Final v Fitzroy (1hr 25)
General highlights
v Port Adelaide (38mins)
Rd 3 v Essendon (1 hr)
Rd 7 v Fitzroy (2 mins)
Rd 13 v Essendon (30mins)
Reserves Rd 22 v Carlton (2hrs 24.)
Rd 2 v Fitzroy (1hr 10)
Rd 3 v Essendon (2hrs)
Rd 4 v Collingwood (20mins)
Rd 14 v Collingwood (25mins)
Second Semi v Carlton (1hr)
Commonwealth Games v Carlton Qtr 1, Qtr 2 and 3, Q4
Sterling Cup v Norwood (1hr 45mins)
Sterling Cup Grand Final v Carlton (30mins)
Rd 12 v Carlton (1hr)
Fosters Cup v East Fremantle (2hrs)
Reserves Rd 1 v Essendon (2hr 17)
Rd 6 v Collingwood (32 mins)
Rd 11 v Footscray (2hrs)
Rd 13 v Carlton (2hrs)
Rd 1 v West Coast . 1st Half 2nd Half
Rd 4 v Collingwood (27mins)
Rd 18 v Sydney Qtr 1- 3, Q4
Rd 20 v Essendon (1hr 22)
Rd 1 v Melbourne (16mins)
Rd 3 v Collingwood Qtr1 , Qtr2, Qtr3, Qtr4
Rd 10 v West Coast (2hrs)
Rd 12 v Carlton (45mins)
Rd 14 v Sydney (2hrs)
Rd 22 v Fitzroy (2hrs)
Reserves Rd 20 v Footscray (30mins)
Fosters Cup v Footscray. 1st Half 2nd Half
Rd 1 v Brisbane (1min)
Rd 2 v Nth Melb (25mins)
Rd 5 v Fitzroy (13mins)
Rd 5 v Fitzroy (21mins)
Rd 7 v Geelong (43mins)
Rd 10 v Carlton (21mins)
Rd 12 v StKilda (1min 44)
Rd 12 v StKilda (12mins)
Rd 12 v StKilda (25mins)
Rd 14 v Brisbane (2hr 20)
Rd 16 v Hawthorn (8mins)
Rd 17 v Essendon (10 mins)
Rd 19 v West Coast (5min)
Rd 22 v Sydney (7mins)
Legends Match v Carlton (1hr 45)
Save Our Skins (3mins 45)
Allan Jeans appointed coach
Rd 3 v Hawthorn (2hr)
Rd 8 v Collingwood (48mins incl news reports)
Rd 12 v Melbourne (3AK radio)
Rd 19 v Swans . Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Q3 , Q4
Rd 4 1995 (highlights first quarter)
Rd 6 v Collingwood (2hrs)
Preliminary Final v Geelong (pre match) (12mins)
Preliminary Final v Geelong (2hrs)
Rd 17 v Geelong (2hrs 5)