Richmond Senior Player biographies L-Z
(text used for biographies up to 1995 are reproduced with permission from Paul Hogan's "Tigers of Old" publication. Additional research since conducted has been added to those biographies)
Further reading: Player Bios A-K
Jim Lacey | Michael Laffy | Robert Lamb | Craig Lambert |
Kane Lambert | Graeme Landy | Bill Lang | Ted Langridge | Fred Larkin | Trevor Larkins | Peter Laughlin |
Ivor Lawson | Jeff Lawson | Les Lee | Mark Lee | Eric Leech | Ben Lennon | Bruce Lennon | Mykelti Lefau |
Allen Lewis | Brian Leys | Brian Lienert | Ron Lienert | Dooley Lilburne | Tim Livingstone | Sam Lloyd |
Bob Lockhart | Michael Lockman | Sam Lonergan | Peter Loughran | Richard Lounder | Frank Love | Noel Lovell |
Wally Lovett | Bill Luff | Bennie Lunn | Alan Lynch | Bill Lynch | Dave Lynch | Tom Lynch |
Jim MacBeth | Johnny MacGregor | Geoff MacIlwain | Angus MacIsaac |
Cedric MacLeod | Norm Madigan | Owen Madigan | Leo Maguire | Mick Maguire | Bill Mahoney | Dave Mahoney |
Brett Mahony | Michael Malthouse | Matthew Manfield | Rhyan Mansell | John Manton |
Alan Maple | Adam Marcon | Addam Maric | Ivan Maric | Oleg Markov | Ben Marsh | Bill Marshall |
Harry Marsham | Alan Martello | Des Martin | Dustin Martin | Geoff Martin | Ray Martin | Percy Martini |
Percy Martyn | Will Martyn | Herb Matthews | Don Mattson | Jim Maxfield | Stuart Maxfield | George May | Percy Maybury |
Harry Maynard | Kane McAuliffe | Liam McBean | Graeme McCartney | Frank McCashney | Bob McCaskill | Jock McConchie | Basil McCormack |
Jack McCormack | Peter McCormack | John McCormick | Alan McCrory | Leo McCulloch | Alan McDonald | Ernie McDonald |
Jim McDonald | Ron McDonald | Matt McDonough | Tom McEwan | Ray McGaw | Robert McGhie | Ken McGown | Martin McGrath |
Luke McGuane | Bob McIlveen | George McInnes | Kamdyn McIntosh | Norm McIntosh | Steven McKee | Allan McKellar |
Craig McKellar | Bob McKendry | Michael McKenna | Bill McKenzie | Des McKenzie | Joe McKenzie | Ricky McLean |
George McLear | Mark McLeod | Jordan McMahon | Brian McMillan | Geoff McMillan | Marty McMillan | Mark McQueen |
Jim Meehan | Jack Megson | Connor Menadue | Todd Menegola | Mark Merenda | Leo Merrett | Danny Meyer |
Brenton Miels | Anthony Miles | Ian Miles | Keith Millar | Ben Miller | Brad Miller | David Miller | Andrew Mills |
Dan Minogue | Len Mitchell | Michael Mitchell | Dave Moffatt | Hugh Moffatt | Basil Moloney | Bruce Monteath | Arthur Mooney |
Andrew Moore | Ben Moore | Callum Moore | Eric Moore | Kelvin Moore | Vern Moore | Stan Morcom |
Fred Morgan | Bill Morris | Kevin Morris | Mel Morris | Peter Morris | Stan Morris | Steven Morris |
Paul Morrish | Brian Morrison | Paul Morrison | Shane Morrison | Terry Morrissey | Mitch Morton | Stephen Mount |
John Mrakov | Noel Mugavin | Hugh Mulcahy | Fred Mundy | Frank Munro | Joe Murdoch | Justin Murphy |
Ted Murphy | Tony Murphy | Alex Murray | Sel Murray | Richard Murrie |
Phil Nagle | Robin Nahas | Chris Naish | Patrick Naish | Sam Naismith | Vic Naismith | Bill Nalder | Toby Nankervis | Ben Nason | Greg Naylor |
Mark Neeld | Des Negri | Howard Neil | George Nelson | Bill Nettlefold | Chris Newman | Bill Nicholls |
Trent Nichols | John Nix | Richard Nixon | Bill Nolan | Alan Noonan | John Northey | Cyril Nott |
Dean Notting | Michael Nugent | Michael Nunan | Alan Nutter | Bigoa Nyuon |
Allan Oakley | Loyal Oakley | Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls | Rod Oborne | Cyril O'Brien | Frank O'Brien | Ron O'Brien |
Maurie O'Connell | Stan O'Connell | George O'Connor | Alan O'Donoghue | Steven O'Dwyer | Stan Ogden | George Ogilvie |
Tom O'Halloran | Brett O'Hanlon | George O'Hehir | Ted Ohlson | Les Oliver | Bob O'Neill | Kevin O'Neill |
Grant Oppy | Max Oppy | Ray Orchard | Jamie O'Reilly | Basil O'Rourke | Jack O'Rourke | Keith Osmond |
Laurie O'Toole | Brad Ottens | Roy Outram | Ian Owen |
David Palm | Alby Pannam | Charlie Pannam | Len Park | Matthew Parker | Gary Parkes |
Roy Parkin | George Parkinson | Stephen Parsons | Anthony Pastore | Jeff Patterson |
Michael Patterson | Adam Pattison | Andy Pattison | Les Patton | Gordon Peake |
Derek Peardon | Neil Peart | Jack Pemberton | BIll Perkins | John Perry |
Mike Perry | Wayne Peters | Ricky Petterd | Kayne Pettifer | Gus Petzke |
Len Phillips | Pat Phillips | Justin Pickering | Michael Pickering | Marlion Pickett | Brian Pilcher |
Stephen Pirrie | John Pitura | Mark Pitura | Joe Plant | Justin Plapp |
Graham Polak | Harry Pollock | Dean Polo | Trevor Poole | Jayden Post |
Ray Potter | Ray Poulter | Cyril Powell | Robert Powell | Tim Powell |
Ezra Poyas | Ashley Prescott | Dion Prestia | Andy Preston | Dick Price | Joe Price |
Syd Price | Charlie Priestley | Lionel Proctor | Chris Pym |
Jack Quinn | Roy Quinn |
Keith Rae | Stephen Rae | Andrew Raines | Geoff Raines | Hugo Ralphsmith | Alex Rance |
Brian Randall | George Rankine | Bob Rees | Sid Reeves | Reuben Reid |
Ron Reiffel | Joe Reilly | Doug Reynolds | Renato Ricci | Alan Richardson |
Barry Richardson | Howard Richardson | Matthew Richardson | Ned Richardson | Rodger Richardson |
John Richmond | Charlie Ricketts | Jack Riewoldt | Frank Rigaldi | Daniel Rioli |
Maurice Rioli | Maurice Rioli Jnr | Bill Ripper | John Ritchie | Bill Roach | Michael Roach |
Stephen Roach | Tom Roach | Graham Robbins | Brian Roberts | Jack Roberts |
Ken Roberts | Michael Roberts | Neville Roberts | Relton Roberts | Graeme Robertson |
John Robertson | Haydn Robins | Arch Robinson | George Robinson | John Robson |
David Rodan | Matthew Rogers | Wal Rogers | Michael Rolfe | John Rombotis |
John Ronaldson | Bradley Ross | George Ross | Jack Ross | Noel Ross | Ray Ross |
Des Rowe | Havel Rowe | Joe Rowe | Larry Rowe | Barry Rowlings |
Billy Rudd | George Rudolph | Gerald Rush | Kevin Rush | Leo Rush |
Wally Russell | Damien Ryan | Des Ryan | Frank Ryan | Johnny Ryan |
Samson Ryan | Stan Ryan | Stephen Ryan | Ted Ryan |
Col Saddington | Alex Salvado | Clay Sampson | Frank Sanguinetti | Paul Sarah |
Ian Sartori | Richie Saunders | Herb Sawatzky | Mick Schade | Robert Schaefer |
Billy Schmidt | Peter Schofield | Jay Schulz | Ernie Schunke | Allister Scott |
Bill Scott | Bobby Scott | Jack Scott | Ian Scrimshaw | Ray Scriven |
Sid Searl | Wally Seitz | Roy Selleck | Robert Semmens | Ron Serich |
Jimmy Shand | Wayne Shand | Laurie Sharp | John Sheahan | Maurie Sheahan |
Kevin Sheedy | Jack Sheehan | Percy Sheehan | Ben Sheppard | Peter Sherman |
Brian Shinners | Kevin Shinners | Jayden Short | Gerry Sier | Ken Sier |
Jarrod Silvester | Troy Simmonds | David Simpson | Tom Simpson | Adam Slater |
Frank Slater | Lou Sleeth | Ian Slockwitch | George Smeaton | Anthony Smith |
Basil Smith | Bruce Smith | Charles Smith | Craig Smith | Dave Smith |
Dennis Smith | Harry Smith | Jason Smith | Jimmy Smith | Kaleb Smith | Kevin Smith |
Laird Smith | Percy Smith | Terry Smith | Keith Smythe | Ivan Soldo | Tyler Sonsie | Jim Spain |
Percy Sparks | Percy Speakman | Reefton Spicer | Geoff Spring | Paul Sproule |
George St John | Sydney Stack | Greg Stafford | Percy Stainer | Les Stainsby | Fred Stammers |
Horrie Stanway | Ray Steele | Stuart Steele | Tyson Stengle | Jack Stenhouse | Orren Stephenson |
Bob Stewart | Craig Stewart | Ian Stewart | Ray Stewart | Mark Stockdale |
Jervis Stokes | Ray Stokes | Harry Stokesberry | Ken Stonehouse | Wilfred Stott |
Greg Strachan | Doug Strang | Geoff Strang | Gordon Strang | Charlie Street |
Gordon Styles | Chris Sullivan | Jack Sullivan | Mark Summers | Scott Sutcliffe |
Darryl Sutton | Fred Swift | Jack Symons | Steven Sziller |
Richard Tambling | Gerald Tanner | Jamie Tape | Tim Taranto | Robbie Tarrant | Stephen Taubert | Brian Taylor |
Ernie Taylor | Laurie Taylor | Roy Taylor | Troy Taylor | Barry Teague |
Graham Teasdale | Bruce Tempany | James Thiessen | Bill Thomas | Matt Thomas |
Ron Thomas | Ewan Thompson | John Thompson | Murray Thompson | Adam Thomson |
Michael Thomson | Ron Thornton | Vic Thorp | Bill Thorpe | David Thorpe |
George Threlfall | Will Thursfield | Jack Titus | Greg Tivendale | Stan Tomlins |
Jason Torney | Bill Tottey | Jacob Townsend | Mark Trewella | James Trezise |
Barrie Trotter | Bruce Tschirpig | Charlie Tuck | Shane Tuck | Russell Tully |
Norm Turnbull | Brian Turner | Jack Turner | Scott Turner | Frank Twomey |
Jack Twyford |
Andrew Underwood | Frank Uwins | Jack Uwins |
George Valentine | Stan Vandersluys | Royce Vardy | Daryl Vernon | Ty Vickery | Nick Vlastuin |
Bernie Waldron | Bill Walford | Harry Walker | Norman Walker | Robert Walker |
Matthew Wall | Terry Wallace | Bob Walliker | Gerry Walsh | Phil Walsh |
Wayne Walsh | Jim Walton | George Ward | Ken Ward | Ross Warner |
George Waterhouse | Colin Waterson | Carl Watson | Clive Watson | Jack Watson |
Bob Weatherill | George Weatherill | Harry Weatherill | Kevin Webb | Jeromey Webberley |
Horrie Weeks | Harry Weidner | Dale Weightman | Luke Weller | Maverick Weller | Billy Wells |
Charlie Wells | Peter Welsh | Albert Western | Bill White | James White |
John White | Matt White | Reg Whitehead | Charlie Whitely | Bob Wiggins |
Stuart Wigney | Robert Wiley | Graeme Wilkinson | Bill Williams | Charles Williams |
Don Williams | James Williams | Peter Williams | Shane Williams | Gary Williamson |
Bill Wilson | Bob Wilson | Fred Wilson | John Wilson | Lou Wilson |
Peter Wilson | Stan Wilson | Trevor Wilson | Brian Winton | Bill Wisdom |
Bertie Wollacott | Bryan Wood | Fred Wood | Herb Woodhead | Stan Wootton |
Billy Wright | Roy Wright |
Stan Yates | Barry Young | Cory Young | Tylar Young | Ty Zantuck | Eric Zschech |